Hardness Testing
Test items: Rockwell hardness, Vickers hardness, micro Vickers hardness, Brinell hardness, Shore hardness, nanoindentation hardness, Shore hardness, etc.
Test standards: ASTM E18, GB/T 230.1, ASTM D785, ISO 2039-2, GB/T 3398.2, GB/T 4340.1, ISO 6507, ASTM E384, GB/T 231.1, ASTM E10, and the like.
Brinell hardness measurement method
Stretching test
Test items: Tensile strength Yield strength Elongation after fracture Dimensional shrinkage Elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio Tensile strain hardening index Strain hardening
Test standards: GB/T 228.1, ASTM E8/E8M, ISO 6892-1, GB/T 1040, ISO 527, ASTM D638, etc.
Test demo Material tensile curve
Bending and compression test
Test items: bending strength flexural modulus compressive strength compression yield point compression elastic modulus
Test standards: GB/T 232, ISO 7438, GB/T 9341, ISO 178, ASTM D790, GB/T 7314, GB/T 1041, etc.
Bending test Compression test
Impact toughness test
Test items: Impact strength Impact toughness Low temperature brittleness Simply supported beam impact Cantilever beam impact
Test standards: ASTM E23, GB/T 229, GB/T 1043, GB/T 1843, etc.
Test schematic Cantilever beam and simple beam demonstration
Fracture toughness test
Test items: fracture toughness crack opening displacement dynamic fracture toughness
Test standard: GB/T 4161
Static fracture toughness Crack propagation form
Fatigue performance
Test items: fatigue under symmetrical stress fatigue under asymmetric cyclic stress strain fatigue (low cycle fatigue) fatigue crack growth rate thermal fatigue test corrosion fatigue test contact fatigue test high temperature fatigue test low temperature fatigue test
Test standards: ISO 12108, GB/T 15248, GB/T 10622, ASTM E647, etc.
High cycle fatigue Metal plate bending fatigue
High temperature mechanical properties
Test items: High temperature creep Durable strength Stress relaxation High temperature short time tensile test
Test standard: GB/T 4338, ISO 783, ASTM E21
High temperature stretching Creep curve
Wear test
Test items: Adhesive wear Abrasive wear Contact wear Fretting wear
Test standard: GB/T 12444
Wearable parts Wear performance curve
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